Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Current Intentions

If I was asked a few years ago what I wanted to do with my life I couldn’t have answered you and I still can’t. I do, however, know that I want to use my business and travel & tourism A-levels. My life plan only goes as far as the next five academic years; and even they its only a lose plan.

This year, 2019 to 2020, I am doing my last year of college. I am going to work hard to achieve a distinction star in my BTEC Travel & Tourism and a distinction in my Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Creative Enterprise. These grades I’m hoping will get me accepted into university because I’ll have three A-Levels and a Foundation diploma which will hopefully help me stand out from everyone else.

After I finish college, 2020 to 2024, I am looking to attend my chosen university to do a Business Management Degree with a year abroad. I have chosen three of the five universities we are allowed to apply for. They are: the University of Hull, University of East Anglia, University of Kent, University of Chester and the University of Southampton. I am looking to do a year abroad in America as part of my degree because I love to travel, and it would be an excellent way for me to see a different part of the world.

After graduating, if I get to graduate, my plan thins out. By the time I finish University I will be twenty two and I am hoping to move to Norwich and find a job there. I still don’t know what job I am looking to do yet, but I’m hoping during my time abroad and at university I'll figure it out.

However, If I don’t get into university or decide not to go to university the there is always the option of doing an apprenticeship. They aren’t something I’ve look into a lot because I would really love the opportunity to go to university.

About a month ago is saw something on Facebook that has stuck with me. It said:

‘ Picture this: It’s ten years from now. You’re Married. Nice home. Good Job. It’s Christmas. Your kids are asleep. You and your husband are on the couch having a drink and watching TV. It’s snowing outside, and tomorrow is Saturday. All the hard work was worth it. You made it.’

This may sound weird, but this quote meant the world to me because the picture that is painted above is everything I have been working towards.

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